Sublette County
Sexual Assault and Family Violence
Task Force
Translation services available..
Traducción disponible.
Quickly exit the site if in danger
Please review safety tips.
Pinedale Office: 253 N. Sublette
PO Box 1236
Big Piney Office: 415 Budd Ave
(307) 276-3975
24-Hour Helpline
Quickly exit the site if in danger
Please review safety tips.
SAFV's Services
Any individual is eligible for SAFV services if that person or their family is or has been a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. No one will be denied services because of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, citizenship or sources of financial support.
Our services are provided without cost to the individual.
Services Include (but are not limited to):
¨ 24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-888-301-4435
¨ Emergency shelter (ADA accessible)
¨ Family Violence/Stalking/Sexual Assault Protection Order assistance
¨ Crime Victim’s Compensation
¨ Peer counseling & emotional support
¨ A lending library
¨ Violence prevention education programs
¨ Training of volunteer advocates
¨ Life Skills to enable independence
¨ Women’s support group
¨ Legal & medical advocacy
¨ Referrals
Any service receiver can file a discrimination complaint with the
Wyoming Attorney General’s Office,
Division of Victim Services
(307) 777-7200
and/or the Office of Civil Rights
Sublette County
Emergency Resources
Emergency 911
SAFV Office
Pinedale 367-6305
Big Piney 276-3975
24-Hr. Hotline 1-888-301-4435
Sheriff’s Office
Pinedale 367-4378
Marbleton 276-3735
Medical Clinic
Pinedale 367-4133
Marbleton 276-3306
Public Health Nurse
Pinedale 367-2157
Big Piney 276-3575
High County Behavioral Health
Pinedale 367-2111
Southwest Counseling
Pinedale 367-6445
Sublette Co. Attorney & Victim Witness
Pinedale 367-2300
Department of Family Services
Pinedale 367-4124
Pregnancy Resource Center
Pinedale 367-7077
Big Piney 276-3433
24-Hr. Hotline 1-800-395-HELP
Supported in part by the Office of the Attorney General
Division of Victim Services