Warning Signs of Financial Abuse
Red flags should be raised if your partner:
Tells you that you won’t succeed in your educational/professional pursuits
Acts like their needs and wants come before your educational/professional goals.
Monitors your spending and makes you account for money spent.
Complains about how much time you spend working/studying.
Pressures you to move in together, open joint bank accounts, or cosign on credit cards or loans
Humiliates you or uses anger, threats, or actual violence to get what they want.
Commonly makes you late to work/class
Financial ABUSE is occurring if someone:
Forbids you from working/attending school
Stalks or harasses you at your workplace/school
Causes fights prior to important job/school meetings
Ruins your credit score
Controls how all the money is spent
Restricts your access to financial information
Steals your identity to obtain credit/loans
Doesn’t include you in important financial decisions
Makes you give over your paycheck, tips, or student loans
Runs up large amounts of debt on your credit
Refuses to work or contribute to the family income
Gives “an allowance” and withholds funds that you or your children need for necessities like food and medical care
Hides money/assets from you
Sublette County Resources
Local accountants offer low-cost or free public resources for individuals to use during Tax Season (February-April)
Click HERE for Upcoming Tax Clinics
SAFV also partners with local financial advisers to help clients with financial planning.
Click HERE for upcoming Financial Clinics
Disclaimer: These Clinics are often first-come, first-serve. Be prepared by having ALL your financial documents with you. Such documents could include: Bank statements, tax forms from your employer, pay stubs, and photo ID.
24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline and Online Chat: 1.800.799.7233
Allstate Purple Purse Foundation: Information about financial abuse and education on financial topics. www.ClickToEmpower.org
www.smartaboutmoney.org/Courses: Free online financial literacy courses RAINN: 24/7 national hotline & online chat, and shelter/advocate locator
Tech Safety, IMatter, myPlan (Mobile Apps): Provide relationship quizzes, info on healthy and abusive relationships, and help with harassment and abuse.
Disclaimer: Mobile apps may not be confidential. If you think someone is monitoring your phone or computer, be careful – even if you delete it, they may be able to access your download history
Tax Information
Domestic abuse is not just physical abuse. It often includes economic control. As a survivor of domestic abuse, you can take control of your finances. An important part of managing you finances is understanding your tax rights and responsibilities.
Click HERE for more information
Other Resources:
National Information & Resources
The Wage Gap
Populations such as women, minority ethnic groups, LGBTQ individuals, and those with disabilities experience more barriers to economic independence. These groups tend to earn less money than white males, and one way in which this has been evaluated is through measuring the Wage Gap.
The Wage Gap compares how much money groups of people make per hour as compared to other groups. It is measured in cents to the dollar, and seeks to answer the question, “for every dollar that a man makes, how much do other groups make?”
In Wyoming:
In 2016, the national gender wage gap was 79¢, while Wyoming’s genderwage gap was 69¢, the 49th largest gap – this means that Wyoming’s gender wage gap is bigger than almost all the other U.S. States.
American Indians (both men and women) in Wyoming earn 55¢ to every $1 a man makes, while African Americans earn 65¢ and Latinos earn 53¢.
Gay and bisexual men earn between 11- 27% less than their heterosexual counterparts in both private and public sector occupations.
Transgender individuals, in particular female transgender workers, are likely to experience a significant decrease in earnings (potentially a 33% drop) following their gender transition.
Same-sex couple families have an average household income that is 20% less than heterosexual couples, and are more likely to live in poverty.
Single mothers in Wyoming are 58% likely to experience income inadequacy, as compared with 24% of single fathers; while 21% of married couples with children experience income inadequacy.